您现在的位置:洪桥教育 > 英语> 2022年考研英语二|外刊英语阅读-美国的移民变化Pt.3
整理编辑:MBA培训网 时间:2022-08-18
Many of the other objections to immigration also have a familiar ring. In the past, too, Americans worried (though perhaps not quite as much as they do now) about the effects of the arrival of these people on their environment, about the newcomers’ commitment to America and its values. But in a few respects the worries about the current influx are genuinely new.
One concerns the skills of the new arrivals: they are declining compared with those of the native-born population. Lower skills mean more poverty and because of the second new factor, the growth of the welfare state----greater cost to the taxpayer. In 1970 the typical immigrant had a lower participation in welfare than the American average; by 1990 the participation rate was higher than average (immigrants were 9% of households but took 13% of welfare money). A third worry is that assimilation has become harder with the rise of “multiculturalism” and the new emphasis on group rights.
许多其他对移民的异议都是相同的套路。在过去,美国也担心 (但是没有现在那么担心)这些人的到来会不会影响自己的生活环境,会不会承担对美国的义务和值不值得这样做。但在一些方面,对当前的移民涌入现象,人们也会有新的担忧。
1.Objection [əb'dʒekʃ(ə)n]
n. 异议,反对;缺陷
2.Familiar [fə'mɪlɪə]
adj. 熟悉的;常见的
3.Effect [ɪ'fekt]
n. 影响;效果
4.Commitment [kə'mɪtm(ə)nt]
n. 承诺,保证;委托
5.Influx ['ɪnflʌks]
n. 流入;汇集
6.Genuinely ['dʒenjuinli]
adv. 真诚地;诚实地
7.Concern [kən'sɜːn]
n. 关系;关心
8.Taxpayer ['tækspeɪə]
n. 纳税人
9.Participation [pɑː,tɪsɪ'peɪʃn]
n. 参与;分享
10.Welfare ['welfeə]
n. 福利;幸福
11.Assimilation [ə,sɪmɪ'leɪʃən]
n. 同化;吸收
12.Multiculturalism [,mʌltɪ'kʌltʃərəlɪzm]
n. 多元文化
13.Emphasis on